Kostas Tsalikis
Trials and tribulations of Android development
Testing LazyColumn in Compose
Jul 17, 2023
A quick guide on how to test LazyColumns with Espresso
Thoughts on the Bowling Kata
Nov 10, 2020
Practicing TDD and incremental design through the Bowling Kata
A confusing build failure
Nov 7, 2019
How can a unit test pass on Android Studio and fail on a Continuous Integration daemon?
Stubbing external services in Espresso tests - Part 1: Bring the code in the right shape
Jul 24, 2019
In this post we will explore why we would need to add UI tests with Espresso and how to shape the code in order to write the very first test
Uploading an Android library on JCenter
May 21, 2019
A small overview on how to publish an Android open-source library on a public maven repository